
CLMN | Upcoming year and the typical Dutch


The Netherland’s biggest student introduction program just took place in Eindhoven. One of those days saw an undergraduate international freshman with an empty water bottle roaming one of the TU/e buildings. She intended to fill it with drinking water, she acknowledged. Everyone should be able to refill a water bottle. After all, ’water is life’, claim many. She expected water coolers or drinking fountains providing filtered water to be found everywhere. They weren’t, but did she discover where to refill her bottle in the end? I’ll get to that.

The introduction program and the academic year ahead are much more important than that. Some say that had they known exactly how tough the upcoming academic program was going to be, they would have enjoyed the Intro even more. Other freshmen only realize afterwards that the Intro really does come around every once in a while.

Unfortunately, those who want to have a taste of the Intro atmosphere will have to wait another year. A year that's going to be very eventful indeed, especially for international students. There is a lot to learn, both academically and otherwise.

The myth goes that the Dutch are born on their bikes. Don't worry, you will get better at biking. Plus, the map app and its snap shots are very useful to find your way. It also helps you to find shops that sell the food and products you're looking for. After all, since you can't very well live on pizza alone, it's important to master a few dishes next.

Be aware that the Dutch are punctual, and work with strict schedules. So be on time for appointments. Newcomers will also get acquainted with housing agencies, banks, trains and other Dutch customs and holidays. It's pretty common for the Dutch to fill their free time with visits to the gym, day trips, or even weekend breaks to other European cities.

You now have an idea of what the upcoming year abroad will have in store. Are you still interested to know where you and that international student will be refilling your water bottles at university over the next year? It's typical that there is only cold water in dutch toilet faucets. From there! Come on, don't be surprised. Think a little Dutch.

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