
CLMN | From honeymoon to exam


About a couple of weeks have passed by, and the academic year is still starting up, but eventually we’ll be facing the exam period. We, the younger generation, are treated to the latest approach on academics. That approach is comprised of multiple stages and phases. In a way, the academic year starts off with a ‘honeymoon phase’.

People are too laid back and relaxed during a ‘honeymoon’. It’s a time when you are over composed and perhaps underestimating things. Everything is exciting and nothing is too bothersome in this phase. Quite often, students in this phase are not even concerned that they don’t have the required books for their courses yet. Unfortunately, ‘honeymoon phase’ ends.

Next up is ‘denial phase’. This is when you tell yourself that your head is still above water. And that the workload is still not that heavy. You choose to ignore the myth of ‘tomorrow’ and promise yourself you'll definitely start working tomorrow.

Courtesy to a very casual approach, the ‘adjustment phase’ is next. A time for negotiations and calculations. For instance: ‘If I skip sleep for a few days and read a page in six minutes, I will have read 1964 pages in X time’.

Soon, you slip into ‘crisis phase’ without even noticing. You know you are screwed upon realizing that a page actually takes 20 minutes to read and understand. We all know that miserable phase where we wish for just one more day to study, and tell ourselves we will definitely start studying on time next exam period. Nevertheless, the first attempt is done and dusted by then.

So if you think you are still in the ‘honeymoon phase’ then chill out by all means, or maybe not. I have already tried to warn you of the consequences. Nothing can straighten a dog’s tail, though.

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