CLMN | Source of happiness
Recently, I stumbled across ‘The Happy Page’ on Facebook. The page gives innovative and interesting definitions of happiness. For some, happiness is delicious food, while for others it might be spending time with family. No matter how rich or poor, young or old we are, we’re all looking for happiness.
Last Friday I turned 23. Many people feel sad of growing older. But for me every birthday brings me happiness. I’m always looking forward to what life has in store for me next. Apart from my birthday, October is also the month of Durga Puja, an auspicious Hindu festival celebrated in eastern India. During the festival, cities are decorated and people go around the city in new dresses enjoying themselves.
Since I’m working on my MSc at TU/e, I know it’s not feasible to go back to India right now. This year I found my happiness celebrating the festival differently, here in Europe. I met so many people who, like me, accept the situation they’re in and find happiness in what’s available to them now. I spent Durga Puja in London, visiting the city’s highlights. And guess what? It made me happy, even though I had been here at least five times before!
It is a challenge to adapt to a different culture, but it’s an even bigger challenge to be away from your own. All international students struggle with this test of patience and acceptance. Many get bored, depressed even. But I have a quote for The Happy Page: happiness is finding happiness in what you have, wherever you are!