
CLMN | Exam time emotions


Exam week always brings me a flood of emotions. Especially right after Christmas break, which you’ve spent joyfully with friends, being back to studying seems to be the most painful transition ever. Days seem dull and boring without all the entertainment, travelling, food, and company. Yes, for me, company is the thing that I miss most while being here in the Netherlands.

A couple of weeks back, there was a discussion session conducted by students at the Human Technology Interaction group of the Department of Innovation Sciences about the importance of ‘touch devices’ in the lives of international students staying here at university. Nobody opposed the idea of a device that would enable them to “feel the touch” of family and close friends. There are already a lot of innovative products on the market that meet this demand for example by connecting two or more people who are far apart through vibration or some other mechanical sensation.

I am not against these products, but it will never be a substitute for actual human company. Whether it is exam time or free time, the presence of people has never been distracting to me. But it does distract me now. I keep thinking about those I care for, planning and taking time off from studying to ‘talk’ to them on a regular basis.

But I’m not complaining. Hearing their loving, caring, and concerned voices, or their excitement about gifts I sent can never be conveyed by some vibrating device. Although such technologies may be healing at times, they’re not a cure. So, regardless of whether or not you have one, good luck with your exams!

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