Life after TU/e | Petr Kosnar
What happens to international students after they graduate from TU/e? Do they go job hunting in the Netherlands, pack their bags and explore the world, or return to their home countries? International TU/e graduates talk about their lives after TU/e. In this Cursor: Petr Kosnar.
Name: Petr Kosnar
Place of Birth: Czech Republic
Age: 29
At TU/e: 2010 - 2014. Master’s program Human-Technology Interaction. Then, I’ve spent another two years at the User-System Interaction post-graduate program, focusing on user-centered design and research.
Current position: I work as a freelance designer and researcher of digital products, with a recent focus on smart homes and automotive domains.
How do you reflect on your time at TU/e?
I was interested in studying Human-Technology Interaction, and TU/e has a great reputation in this field. It was a good choice. I am very happy with the high quality of education here. During my studies I have met many wellrespected experts in their fields, and gained a lot of professional experience regarding technologies, methods and approaches, which have all helped me in my professional life. From a personal point of view: I made plenty of amazing friends from all around the world.
Was it difficult to find a job?
Yes and no… I’d say that the most important part of the professional profile is your network. Talk to people about what you did, what you currently do, what you want to do in the future, and help others and ask for help when you need it. That way, the job eventually finds you. That’s how it happened for me.
Did you consider staying in the Netherlands?
Not really. Eindhoven is a great place to study and accelerate your professional career, and I recommend everybody in my field to go here for the experience. BUt if you love nature, outdoor sports and good cuisine as much as I do, you could never consider the Netherlands as your possible homeland. J I moved back to my beloved Prague after I graduated, and I am very happy to be back here.
What advice would you give the current students?
Work hard, talk to people, help others if you can, and be nice! Karma is your best friend.
Something else you would like to mention?