Life after TU/e | Leda Klouda
What happens to international students after they graduate from TU/e? Do they go job hunting in the Netherlands, pack their bags and explore the world, or return to their home countries? International TU/e graduates talk about their lives after TU/e. In this Cursor: Leda Klouda.
Name: Leda Klouda
Place of Birth: I was born in Boston, USA, to Greek parents. I grew up mostly in Greece and Germany
At TU/e: I studied Biomedical Engineering at TU/e from 2002 to 2004
Current position: Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, USA
What are you doing now?
I’m still a researcher. I am currently an Assistant Professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas. After my Master’s at TU/e, I continued with a PhD in Bioengineering at Rice University Houston, Texas. Research in that area has always been very interesting to me. I was equally drawn to industrial and academic research, but right now, academic environment has my preference! I did consider staying at TU/e for my PhD, but in the end, I decided to go to another group in the USA that conducted research in the exact area I was interested in.
How do you reflect on your time at TU/e?
I studied Biomedical Engineering at TU/e from 2002 to 2004. I was actually the first international Master’s student in this department! At the time, it was one of the few European universities that offered a Master’s program in Biomedical Engineering. TU/e had an excellent reputation, and my program gave me the opportunity to customize my learning experience keeping in mind my interests.
I have to say, being the only non-Dutch student in my class was not easy. Eventually, I learned the language, and learned how to communicate with Dutch people. I enjoyed most of my classes and the laboratory I worked at. Plus, with Eindhoven being in the heart of Europe, there were many opportunities to travel.
What advice would you give the current students?
Make sure you have a general life plan, but be open to serendipity. You never know what great opportunities may come your way when you keep your eyes open! Ask people who have been in your situation before. At TU/e, take advantage of all university has to offer, e.g. access to conferences and industry, talking to and learning from professors, fellow students etc. Also, try to learn some Dutch. It will help you in everyday life, and people appreciate it a lot!