Life after TU/e | Maureen Rajuan
What happens to international students after they graduate from TU/e? Do they go job hunting in the Netherlands, pack their bags and explore the world, or return to their home countries? International TU/e graduaties talk about their lives after TU/e. In this Cursor: Maureen Rajuan from Michigan, USA.
Name: Maureen Rajuan
Place of Birth: Michigan, USA. I have been a permanent resident of Israel since 1969.
Date of Birth: 1949
Studied at TU/e: I did my doctorate at TU/e online in Teacher Education. My advisor at the time invited me to come and stay in the Netherlands for a month in 2004 in the early stages. I also stayed at TU/e for a few days in late 2008 to prepare my defense, attend the graduation ceremony, and receive my diploma.
Current position: Teacher Trainer in the English Department of Achva Academic College in Israel.
How do you look back on your time at TU/e?
I chose to go to TU/e because of my advisor, dr. Douwe Beijaard, whom I met through two Dutch students at conferences sponsored by the European Association of Research and Learning. My time at TU/e was one of the most educational and rewarding experiences of my life! This is due mainly to the university’s approach, which combined learning and research really well in the PhD program I worked on – in the Dutch system in general and at TU/e in particular. My advisor was a true mentor and taught me a lot about mentoring students that I use in my work today.
What are you doing now?
I still work as a Teacher Trainer in the English Dept. of Achva Academic College in Israel. My PhD from TU/e has enabled me to publish academic articles and receive a promotion at my institution, as well as getting to know international contacts, ideas, and innovations. This is what I intended to do when embarking upon my PhD degree, and it has positively affected my career in both anticipated and unexpected ways.
What advice would you give current students?
My advice to students, whether they choose to stay in the Netherlands or return to their home country, is to learn from the Dutch system of collaboration in learning and research that I find special to the Netherlands. Apart from the coursework and guidance of excellent professors, students should incorporate the supportive attitudes and encouragement into their own learning environments wherever they may be, and pass it on to future students.