Holiday Kindness
First and foremost, happy new year, everyone! 2021 has been quite the year for us all and for better or for worse, I’ll be optimistically welcoming the new year.
That said, this holiday season was quickly dampened as the lockdown measures went into full effect. From scrambling to get in those last minute gifts (now that stores were closed) to makeshift dinner plans adjusting to the new measures, it felt like reliving the same pandemic holiday season as of the year before.
I was personally going through an interesting turn of events, and for the better, I got to witness one of the kinder acts of humanity. I had reconnected with a dear friend, Lara, who happened to be organising quite the endeavour for TU/e students and families during the holidays. An expression of understanding how difficult it may be for a lot of families during the holiday season and trying to contribute, even if it’s by a simple meal.
Lara, along with a lovely group of volunteers, hosted a Christmas dinner pick-up at the Student Sport Center, where students and alumni were welcomed to sign-up for a warm meal to enjoy from the safety of their homes. I had asked Lara if I could help and so I joined that day, for a few hours, to hand out the meals. I saw tens of TU/e students and families show up as Lara and the volunteers welcomed them and excitedly offer them however many meals they needed.
It was such a simple thing, a thought of the students left behind during the holidays. I realised how far along we’ve come, when you look back at earlier times and notice just how little was done, even in simple, considerate actions.
A lot had been heavy to deal with recently and on that day, I saw the good, the poetry of extending a caring hand.
It doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people to dedicate days, weeks, lifetimes to being that light, being the good irrespective of whatever is raging on in the world. And for that, we have all those who set aside the time in their busy schedules to plan events like that and all those showed up that day at the SCC to help, to thank; Thank you.