
A small tribute


“Where can I put this?” We often hear him say it: Jan Ketelaars, a quiet colleague whose work makes life much easier for many in Atlas without much fuss.

Is there an order in? Facility employee Jan Ketelaars will bring it over. Something needs to be arranged or moved? Jan is right next to your desk before you've even finished your Teams call. Together with the other Facility Management (FM) colleagues, he makes sure that everything at Atlas runs smoothly and everyone can do their work.

One challenge at the Industrial Design faculty is keeping the squad rooms, where groups of ID students work together on their projects, (reasonably) tidy. A hot topic these days: we want to make a fresh start with the teaching spaces at the beginning of the new semester.

Fortunately, Jan and his colleagues help facilitate such cleanup efforts. That seems simpler than it is. It's hard for outsiders to determine whether something is a) clutter and can go, or b) material that can be recycled, or c) a science experiment that absolutely must stay where it is. Most of it seems most a), but you never know for sure.

It's great to have some colleagues who look at students' experiments and projects with humor, but certainly with respect. And trying to find a solution to the lack of storage space, and all the other practical problems you sometimes encounter in the Atlas Building.

FM's colleagues have an office behind the reception desk at Atlas, but if you need them, also check out the coffee corner on the first floor. Their unofficial flex office in public space, easily approachable by anyone. I would definitely go over there this Thursday. After all, that's Jan Ketelaars' last day of work. He is retiring. He doesn't really want to pay too much attention to that. But a small tribute is in order. So here goes: thank you Jan!

Annemarie van Malsen is a communications officer at TU/e’s Department of Industrial Design. The views expressed in this column are her own.

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