Increase in price of alcohol could lead to free beer
TU/e’s alcohol policy working group is currently considering a proposal to increase the price of alcohol, or, more specifically: alcoholic beverages that study associations are allowed to sell to members and guests who visit their bars and parties. Raising the price of alcohol supposedly reduces the chances of excessive alcohol consumption. But selling alcohol at a price above the cost price also leads to problems: study associations will make (too much) profit, which they are not supposed to.
A further increase in the selling price would lead to a financial surplus, and that money has to go somewhere. That’s because study associations aren’t prohibited from making a profit in principle, but they are not allowed to have a commercial purpose. They currently already sell beer above the cost price. If the selling price increases even further, so will their profit. “The tax agency starts to play a role when profits increase significantly. Also, it’s not our goal to make a profit, nor is it our desire to do so, since our bar is intended for students and not for profit,” candidate-President of e.t.s.v Thor, Gabriël Nusselder, says. In case of too much profit, the money needs to be put to use one way or another. One of the ways in which Thor puts the money to use this year, is by organizing ‘Het Feest,’ a party during which Partysquad will perform. “The reason for organizing this party is because we’ve made a bit too much profit. We will give the money we have left to the students. An increase in the price of beer would only lead to more profit.”
Jim Bergmans, policy officer at ESA and a member of the alcohol policy working group until recently, says that the document with the proposal is currently being finalized. “The proposal will be the topic of discussion with a wide variety of interest groups at TU/e during the coming months, so that they too can share their opinions.” Cursor also asked FSE, the umbrella organization for study associations at TU/e, for a response, but we did not receive a reply so far.
Free beer
Raising the price of alcohol supposedly reduces the chances of excessive alcohol consumption among students. But a quick glance at Thor’s website and a simple calculation show that students can make a profit by attending Het Feest: you can get a ticket and four free drink tokens for 5 euros. A token costs €1.50, which means that you make a profit of 1 euro. You might pay a bit more at first, but you get free beer eventually, and you get to attend a performance by Partysquad and others. If you would like to be there: Monday 5 September, starting at 20:00 hrs., on the Fontys field on campus.