- Corona People
- 03/04/2020
- Corona People
- 02/04/2020
"I play the piano before I go to bed, that helps me to relax"
- Corona People
- 02/04/2020
TU/e alumni collect personal corona stories
- Corona People
- 01/04/2020
"I trust the experts and I’m not going to make a fuss"
- Corona People
- 31/03/2020
"Are we ever going to shake hands again?"
- Corona People
- 30/03/2020
“This virus reaches into every nook and cranny”
- Corona People
- 27/03/2020
“This yet again underlines the essence of our existence: our health”
- Corona People Student
- 26/03/2020
Listen to your body - especially when working from home
- Corona People Student
- 26/03/2020
Vehzan defends his master's thesis online
- Corona People
- 25/03/2020
"There’s a thin line between being productive and letting go of everything"