Hackers spotted mid-act, systems back online Monday

"TU/e expects to have most of its network and network-bound systems secure and available again before the weekend,” the university reported in an update regarding the cyber attack. An initial investigation into the attack already showed how the hackers got in. It also appears that digital security systems allowed the perpetrators to be spotted in the act.

This coming weekend will be used to test the systems before the new work week begins. “As of Monday, the situation will most likely be sufficiently restored to allow all regular campus activities." For the rest of this week, students and staff are advised to assess for themselves whether it makes sense to come to campus, the update states.

Spotted mid-act

According to TU/e, it is now clear that the digital security systems worked properly during the cyber attack. Internal investigations, conducted by the TU/e together with external experts, have shown that the hackers were "spotted mid-act". There are no signs that the hackers succeeded in “taking systems hostage, encrypting documents, or stealing data,” according to the update. The investigation also revealed how the hackers managed to get into the system.


Furthermore, Vice-President Patrick Groothuis takes a moment to express his appreciation to the TU/e community, which he also did yesterday in a video message on LinkedIn. "We realize that this crisis and its consequences are widely felt in our community and are causing extra work for many of our people. We would therefore like to express our great appreciation for the commitment and resilience with which everyone is tackling this, especially the employees of the LIS and ESA service departments who have been at the forefront of tackling this situation."

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