Cyberattack: exams postponed one week

The exams, which were supposed to start on 20 January, will be postponed one week, TU/e reports this Tuesday afternoon in an update regarding the cyberattack. The cautious expectation is that the network-related systems for students will be sufficiently available again next Monday. However, “It is expected to take weeks before all functionality is fully restored.”

“Solution cyberattack in sight”, it reads above the update the TU/e posted on its website at 4 p.m. Tuesday. In the message, the university gives no further information about the nature of the attack, but does say that networked systems will be gradually brought back on line in the coming days. Systems used for teaching will be given priority, but “It is expected to take weeks before all functionality is fully restored,” the statement says.

The start of the exam period moves up one week to January 27. Next week (the week starting January 20) will thus count as “week 8”, the catch-up week at the end of the quartile, which was actually scheduled for this week. The week's postponement will be made up by removing next quartile's catch-up week.

The best scenario

Vice President Patrick Groothuis emphasizes in the statement that the Central Crisis Team did not make its decision overnight, and consistently coordinated with examination committees, program directors, education committee of the University Council, deans and directors.

“For us, student interests come first; they should be affected as little as possible. For studyability and clarity, this is the best scenario. At the same time, we realize that the decision also has an impact on our teachers and other staff, who will have to do a lot of extra work.”

Groothuis promises “optimal extra support” for staff and help for people who are running into problems now, for example because of scheduled vacations.

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