DUO adapts information provision about loans

Last October, Cursor published a piece about how the Education Executive Agency (DUO) educates students about loans and whether this information provision should be improved. Master’s student Jurre Wolters said he thought it should. Now, a few months later, it turns out DUO has expanded its information provision.

photo Vanz Studio / iStock

After logging in to the online environment of DUO, you’ll now see more explicit warnings about the consequences of taking out a student loan. Among other things, it says that the interest rate can differ per calendar year and that the debt accrued as a result of the loan has consequences for getting a mortgage.

When questioned by Cursor, DUO stated at the time that they already make students aware of the risks of loans, but that it remains an 'ongoing issue'. 'We are always open to suggestions where we can improve,' the organization said.  As it turns out, these weren’t empty words.

Wolters is pleased with the changes that DUO made in the online environment. “I think it’s very good that DUO is now warning students in advance about the consequences of taking out a loan and providing clarity on what exactly you’re agreeing to. As young people are now shown this disclaimer in advance, they may make a more informed decision about how much they want to borrow, based on their actual needs.”

Having said that, the Electrical Engineering master’s student does think it’s a shame that those who missed out on the basic student grant (the ‘unlucky generation’ of students) didn’t benefit from this expanded information provision, seeing how they were actually more dependent on a loan than the new generation of students.

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