Meal delivery person drives car into new TU/e pond

On Wednesday evening, a meal delivery person drove his car into the Blauwe Loper, the new pond on the TU/e campus. The car was quickly recovered by a towing service. The driver, who wasn’t familiar with the area, was fortunately unharmed.

photo Fernando Sanchez

The accident took place last Wednesday evening, shortly after 7:30 PM, René Denkers of TU/e security told Cursor. Security footage shows a car driving into the Blauwe Loper, the elongated pond recently created in front of the Castor and Pollux residential towers. It was called in to TU/e security, which arrived on the scene quickly.

The driver turned out to be a meal delivery person who wasn’t familiar with the TU/e campus. He was heading towards one of the residential towers when he made a misjudgment and ended up in the water. “He was driving from one residential tower to the other,” says Denkers. “When he came to a widening in the road, he should have taken a turn, but he drove straight ahead, entering a prohibited zone and driving into the water via a small step.”

The police and fire department also came to assist on site. The towing service lifted the car out of the pond. The driver, who won’t be forgetting this workday lightly, may have missed the turn due to limited visibility. According to Denkers, the spot in question could be better lit. “It could be a bit lighter there.” Fortunately, the driver was unharmed, even though he did have to go home soaked, Denkers observed drily (pun intended).

Real Estate

'The boulevard is a forbidden area for cars except for disabled people and suppliers. This is indicated with signs,' Real Estate informed Cursor in a written response. 'The area in front of the low-rise buildings is for pedestrians only and is higher than the boulevard. The car entered the pedestrian area via the boulevard, where temporary crowd barriers had been placed to block the passage. It is still unclear whether these have been moved. We are now considering placing concrete blocks to prevent future incidents.'

Incidentally, the lighting level meets the requirements, Real Estate stresses. 'The light level on campus is even higher than in a regular public space.'

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