Have a great summer vacation

Now the exams are behind us, many students and staff are catching their breath after an academic year filled with challenges, and policymakers are putting their plans on the backburner for a bit, it’s also time for Cursor to take it easy for a few weeks.

photo Valeriy_G / istock

Cursor’s summer break means daily articles about everything that goes on in the TU/e community won’t be appearing on this site. But it doesn’t mean nothing’s happening. Below is a selection of special events you might want to attend.

Firstly, RoboCup is almost here. It’s organized every summer, of course, but this year you can ride your bike to the event. For the first time since 2013, Eindhoven is once again hosting the robotics conference, which received loads of attention thanks to the Tech United top-level soccer team. RoboCup will take place at Indoor-Sportcentrum Eindhoven and at Fontys University of Applied Sciences from July 17 thru 21.

The week after that, the European Girls’ Olympiad in Informatics (EGOI) is being held at the Koningshof conference center in Veldhoven. The festivities, however, will be taking place on campus and at Atlas. They will include a performance by Footloose, presentations by sponsors at the opening on July 22 and the prizegiving ceremony on July 26 – also featuring a speech by EAISI administrator Patricia Jaspers – and a scavenger hunt.

The event will draw two hundred girls in the ages of 14 to 17, who will try and unravel a series of algorithmic and problem-solving tasks within a certain period of time. The reason why the contests won’t be held on campus but at Koningshof is that the Auditorium is undergoing maintenance.

New beginnings

The campus is sure to come alive again from August 16 onwards. That Friday, the Welcome Day for new international students will take place. On Sunday, a Meet & Greet will be organized for them and Monday, August 19 will see the start of the Intro for all new students. The bachelor’s and master’s students will follow the same program and there will be a campsite again. These two features were introduced last year. The Intro will last until and including August 23.

As is tradition, the academic year will be opened on the first Monday of September. This year’s theme is sustainability and European Commissioner for Climate Action Wopke Hoekstra will deliver a speech. You need to sign up officially if you want to attend.

From August 12 on, the editorial staff will return from their holidays and slowly but surely we’ll resume the publication of articles about what’s happening on campus. But for now, there’s nothing left to do but wish you a great summer vacation.

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