You can find the machine in Atlas, next to the garbage cans near Brownies&downieS. It is blue and orange and even has a name: StatieHeld. It accepts one can or bottle at a time and you have to make sure the deposit logo is facing up properly. After being accepted, the can or bottle will drop down. You then have the option of donating the deposit to the Children Cancer-free Foundation or receiving it into your account. In the later case, a QR code appears that you can scan to get the money back via a payment request.
“There’s one StatieHeld on campus now, by way of a pilot. That pilot will run for one year and an evaluation will take place every quarter,” says the Facility Management Center. “This will involve, for instance, monitoring how many bottles and cans are handed in, how often the machine needs to be emptied, and how much time it costs to empty and clean the machine. We’ll also look at ease of use and the number of malfunctions.”
It's too soon to tell say how often the machine on the campus will have to be emptied. Appèl catering company automatically gets a signal in an app when the machine is full or malfunctioning. Cursor already tested the StatieHeld and we’re happy to report it accepted both a can and a bottle, and the QR code worked.