Intro 2024 | Limbopad
Associations had to be creative this year, trying to attract new members at the Limbopad on campus. For the first time, they weren't allowed to hand out any flyers or goodies, because of the new sustainability policy for events. But they came up with plenty of alternatives: chips, stamps and coffee among other things. LA | August 19 | 17:00 hrs
Students explore the campus
The Campus Quest has begun! New students explore campus and complete various assignments. Cursor is also present and hands out a magazine especially made for Intro. This contains everything the first-years need to know about studying at TU/e and student life in Eindhoven.
WK | August 19 | 14:45 hrs.
'Watt's going on' opened with beat on gong
'Watt's going on' opened with gong beat
Short and to the point was the official opening of Intro 2024 for which the CIC (Central Intro Committee) came up with 'Watt's going on' as the theme.
Rector Silvia Lenaerts wished the students on the Flux Field big dreams. She referred to athlete Sifan Hassan who believes that when you are not afraid of your dreams, they are not big enough. And she pointed out the importance of social safety. “Think of the TU/e community as a new family. Talk about it when something bothers you.”
To illustrate TU/e's connection to the city, Mayor Jeroen Dijsselbloem also was on stage. Enthusiastically he shouted that Eindhoven is the “boom town of the Netherlands” and he congratulated all new students that they made to right choice. “This is the place to be. Good chance you will find a job here after your studies. So don't just stay on campus, but also visit Eindhoven clubs and festivals.”
Before the gong was struck, the stage was set for dance group CDK junior from Veldhoven.
NS | August 19 | 12:40 hrs.
International students taste Dutch food
Intro week has officially begun. But last Friday already over 750 international students came to campus for Welcome Day. At the end of the day, they got a culinary experience and got to try typical Dutch food. “It tastes like food where all fun has been taken out”. Read the entire article here.
WK | August 19 | 11:20 hrs.