'We would like to respond to the situation concerning our university magazine, Cursor. We highly appreciate Cursor, its editorial team and their work, which we have recently conveyed to the editorial team multiple times. We welcome critical reporting that is fair and balanced and aligns with Cursor’s objectives.
However, there have been occasional discussions about a small portion of Cursor’s articles. These discussions have focused primarily on journalistic quality, particularly in regard to balanced reporting and hearing from all sides.
Ultimately, the editor-in-chief makes the decision on publishing articles. Neither the Executive Board nor the editorial board has any influence over this, as per Cursor’s articles of association. There is thus no question of censorship in any way. We regret that such an impression has arisen among the editorial team. There are regular channels available to address any disagreements that may arise in this context. We are disappointed that the editorial team chose not to engage in dialogue but instead to turn the website black and seek broad attention. We extend another invitation to the editorial team to engage in conversation.
The articles of association, which also include general journalistic principles, were reaffirmed last year in consultation with the editorial team and the editorial board. The composition of the editorial board, initiated in 2022, was carried out with the approval of the editorial team.
The articles of association serve as the mutually agreed framework for the editorial team’s actions. Within these articles, the editorial team operates independently under the guidance of the editor-in-chief, who makes decisions regarding publication.
The Executive Board'
Cursor will respond to this statement as soon as possible.