Stukafest 2022: one session of all-out moshing in a barn
Student houses across Eindhoven were magically turned into small-sized theatres and concert halls yesterday for festival Stukafest. The barn of Huize De Wittegijt, which seemed just right for a “slightly larger act,” was also transformed into a stage. But as it turned out, it couldn’t meet the challenges of the sheer noise produced by two full-blown trashmetal bands. Before the first session was over, law enforcers showed up threatening to confiscate equipment, after which the bands decided to cancel their two final sessions.
Just before they went on stage, some members of Obstuktor jokingly said that they expected at least one report of noise nuisance. Even though an official report remained forthcoming, law enforcers quickly showed up and intervened after the first of three sessions. The bands were allowed to continue to play, but only at fifteen percent on the volume of session one. If they failed to comply, their equipment would be confiscated.
After a few attempts, the bands were unable to reduce the volume to fifteen percent. The risk of confiscation eventually made them decide to cancel the other two sessions. By way of compensation, visitors were allowed to attend the Stukafest afterparty at the Stroomhuis free of charge.
However, prior to the incident, the student house was filled with a true Stukafest atmosphere. The bands did their best to squeeze their drum set into the barn decorated with images of male genitalia. The residents of the student house took care of the decoration and adorned the room with party lights, flags and self-designed stickers. Even though the room was small, the audience managed to create a small moshpit.
The students of Wittegijt took good care of the grateful bandmembers of Obstruktor and Headless Hunter with hamburgers and beer that flowed richly. They also bought earplugs for all the attendees (Cursor included), which turned out not to be a luxury item. Click on the video below to see Cursor’s report of the preparations for the evening, when everyone still believed that the noise nuisance wouldn’t be a problem: “I hope to see law enforcers moshing tonight.”