In Memoriam | Axel Verstegen and Boris Bakker
It is with a great sense of sadness and sorrow that we learned that Axel Verstegen (20) and Boris Bakker (19), two second-year bachelor students of Sustainable Innovation, who met with a fatal accident on Monday while on a skiing holiday in France, have passed away. This terrible event has affected us deeply. Our thoughts and condolences go first and foremost to the family and friends of these young men.
Both friends were motivated, enthusiastic and apreciated students. They loved to travel and enjoyed life to the fullest. They met at the Energy Track of Sustainable Innovation and were very involved in the student life of Eindhoven. With a lot of friends and as active members of Intermate, they had a big social network. They will be sorely missed by many.
Axel was a true connector and had close friendships in Eindhoven as well as his hometown Wageningen. He was a sports fanatic and back in the day, he was even willing to travel back and forth to Nijmegen five times a week for that, because he played basketball in the Dutch Basketball League. Later he became an active member of basketball association Tantalus and tennis association Fellenoord. His passion for cooking took him to Asia, where he wanted to get to know local cuisine.
We wish everyone who knew them much strength in coping with this unimaginable loss, especially their fellow students who were together with them on this skiing holiday. We wish them great fortitude.
As of today, condolence registers are available in The Internaat, room 1.720 on the 1st floor of the Atlas building, for everyone who would like to pay their respect and leave a personal message. Here, you can also meet each other, share your feelings and stories about Axel and Boris, and find the support you might need. For those who do not have the opportunity to physically come to our campus, online condolence registers have been opened at and
We can well imagine that people need support or would like to share their emotions. Students can always contact their academic supervisor or the student psychologists for this purpose. Employees can contact their HR advisors, among others.
Once again, we wish everyone a lot of strength in coping with this incredible loss.
Department Board Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences: Ingrid Heynderickx, Tom van Woensel, Yvonne de Kort, Geert-Jan van Houtum, Fred Langerak, Eric van der Geer-Rutten-Rijswijk
TU/e Executive Board: Robert-Jan Smits, Frank Baaijens, Nicole Ummelen