Kickoff EHV is looking for a completely new board
To infect students with the virus of entrepreneurship, that is the goal of Kickoff EHV. “We invite alumni, for example, to talk about how they started their tech companies.” But despite his enthusiasm, TU/e student and former Kickoff board member Wai Keung Liu is looking for successors who are willing to take over the baton: “All four members of the 2022-2023 board decided to step down due to lack of time. We are currently working hard to find motivated replacements.”
“Kickoff EHV has been around since 2008, and it would be a great waste if it couldn’t continue.” BMT student Wai Keung Liu, who follows the Medical Engineering master’s program, got hooked on entrepreneurship when he followed the USE-minor Technology & Entrepreneurship. Last academic year, he acted as parttime board member at Kickoff EHV: “I was community manager, and I was responsible for external affairs.”
Last summer, Liu and his colleagues transferred their duties to a new, four-member board. But not for long: by now, Liu and a fellow former board member are spending a great deal of time on ‘his’ Kickoff EHV again. As it turned out, none of the new board members were able to combine their board duties with their studies and other activities.
Serving parttime on the board requires a time investment of six to eight hours a week, Liu says. “I hear from other associations that they too have a hard time finding active students, but all board members stepping down at the same time, that’s what you would call bad luck.”
Up and running
Liu and his former fellow board member are now doing their utmost best to find new active students by the end of the year to get Kickoff EHV up and running again. “We organize about five events a year.” During their last event, students were given the opportunity to meet with Rick Bonants, business developer at The Gate, and with TU/e alumnus Bob van der Meulen, founder of Intense and co-founder of Round One Ventures, an investment fund for and by students.
The aim of the activities organized by Kickoff EHV is to bring students into contact with tech entrepreneurs from the Brainport region and with fellow students with a shared interest in entrepreneurship, Liu says. Kickoff EHV has a role to play alongside TU/e innovation Space and The Gate, which focus on student teams and start-ups respectively. “We have something to offer during an earlier stage: a first glimpse of entrepreneurship.”