WinTU/er Village set up from the bottom up
Tomorrow the brand new WinTU/er Village kicks off in the hall of Atlas. The WinTU/er Village will stay open for two weeks and according to community manager Erik de Jong: “you bèta be there”. By facilitating takeovers he wants to create a sense of community during the Christmas season.
It’s the first time that community manager Erik de Jong organizes the Christmas market inside a warm Atlas, instead of outside in the Markthal. The downsides are that the surprise effect is missing and that there are noise restrictions, but it takes De Jong no effort to sum up the many advantages, concluding with: “I saw the weather predictions…”
“The Christmas season is a perfect moment to celebrate that we’re one big community at TU/e. I see the WinTU/er Village as a blank canvas with a good and cosy basis. People add color to that canvas with their own activities and that way turn it into a beautiful painting."
Especially the so called takeovers will add color to the picture. De Jong is postively surprised by how easy it was to complete the program. “We have a hundred activities, spread over the days and space. You can see the hall of Atlas as a village where anything can happen at different locations. There is a cinema, a restaurant, a bar, two stages, a gift shop, glühwein, enough possibilities to meet each other."
The Village Square with Village Stage and space for two hundred people are filled with activities almost every night. “Quadrivium will play here, Footloose will dance, student pole dance association Blue will give a demonstration and new bands of Studentproof will perform”, says the community manager excitedly. “Did you know that spread over two weeks, 600 people from TU/e have already reserved a Christmas dinner at the restaurant?" The Winter Food Court is open daily until 8 pm.
The WinTu/er Village is decorated with 10.000 led lights and 10.000 Beanies will be handed out. “Those hats are available in different colors, because we want to have a suitable hat for everyone”, says De Jong, who is also referring to the inclusivity of the market. “We purposely chose a name that appeals to more people. Words as WinTU/er Village cover the load better. Everyone can turn it into their own place.”
The hats will be handed out from Wednesday onwards and the first people to hand them out will be members of the Executive Board. Nicole Ummelen, Frank Baaijens and Susanne van Weelden will be picked up from the Auditorium by a Christmas train – the Win/TU/er Village Express – driven by Erik de Jong. They will open the market at 12.30 pm. The rest of the day the Winter Express will bring people from all over campus to Atlas. At night there will obviously be music from 17.30 pm.