Executive Board promises statement to occupiers
The TU/e spokesperson says that a statement from the Executive Board towards the occupiers of End Fossil Occupy and University Rebellion may be expected on Wednesday, December 7. The protest groups have been occupying Atlas since Monday morning because they have three demands for the TU/e: to declare the climate emergency, to be transparent about the third stream funding of the university and to cut ties with the fossil fuel companies.
The action groups took place in Atlas Monday morning, where they started with one room and have now occupied two rooms on the first floor. They say they will stay until their demands are met. That is why they slept over last night because the Executive Board said they had no time for them.
Today, two members of the action groups had a first meeting with the Board in which the latter promised to issue a statement. Liz van der Jagt of University Rebellion says to be “looking forward to that statement and stresses the statement has to be SMART (specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-bound), so that we and the media can measure whether the TU/e is doing what it says and words become action.”
The action groups are going into their second night tonight. Cursor will report further on the statement by the Executive Board on Wednesday.