Exam questions Data Analytics leaked
The TU/e has discovered that questions from the Data Analytics for Engineers exam were known to students even before it was handed out. All students who participated in the exam of this first-year course last Tuesday, were notified this morning by the dean of the Bachelor's College, Ines Lopez Arteaga. The Examination Committee is investigating and will provide an update no later than May 12.
‘Prior to the exam for the Data Analytics for Engineers course (course code 2IAB0), which was held on Tuesday, April 19, 2022, exam questions became public’, is how the message to all participants in the exam in question begins. Since Data Analytics is a general first-year course, that is a large group.
The Examination Committee wants to investigate carefully what exactly happened and what this means for all students who took the exam, the email continues. This means an update can be expected no later than Thursday, May 12, including an FAQ with answers to pressing questions.
The TU/e is aware that in the meantime, the lack of clarity can cause worry and uncertainty among the participants. Do we all have to retake the exam? What will this mean for my credits and BSA?
Lopez Arteaga emphasizes that clarity will be provided as soon as possible and no later than May 12. Those who wish to share their concerns about the situation prior to that, are encouraged to contact their academic advisor.