Robbert Dijkgraaf will open fourth research institute TU/e
Robbert Dijkgraaf, director of the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, will open the fourth research institute of TU/e on Monday at the start of the new academic year. This institute will focus on combining the technology of quantum physics with that of photonics. Dijkgraaf will also engage in a talk with Robert-Jan Smits, president of the Executive Board. And he will give a lecture. That is something that Ingrid Thijssen, president of VNO-NCW, will also do.
Dijkgraaf, director of the IAS and University Professor at the University of Amsterdam, is well known in the Netherlands for his many TV appearances. As an ardent advocate of science, he will once again underline in his speech on Monday September 6 why science and industry need each other. The corona crisis has shown that science works, he argues, and we must ensure that it will be able to make a difference for other societal challenges as well.
Strong Europe
In this context, Ingrid Thijssen stresses the importance of technology for a strong Europe. Under her chairmanship, employers' organization VNO-NCW recently set a new course, focusing on broad prosperity. The employers' organization makes a strong case for equal opportunities, a sustainable living environment and European cooperation.
Thijssen: "In the new geopolitical reality, Europe runs the risk of being the plaything of rival superpowers. Autonomy is therefore crucial for Europe. For that, being at the forefront of key technologies is essential. Brainport is the living example of this."
Robert-Jan Smits, president of the TU/e Executive Board., says that he is proud that the Dutch figureheads of science and industry are here at TU/e to proclaim their vision and engage in a dialogue. Smits: “The fact that fundamental science and industry can interact is typical of this university and its role as the beating heart of the innovation ecosystem of the Brainport region."
On Monday Dijkgraaf will also officially open the fourth research institute of TU/e. This new institute will help facilitate the exponential growth of global data use in a sustainable manner, through the integral development of science and technology in the fields of quantum physics and photonics. Cursor will publish more about this new institute on Monday and the new scientific director Martijn Heck will also speak about the research.
Finally, before officially opening the new academic year, Rector Magnificus Frank Baaijens sheds a light on the continued development of the university.
Due to the corona measures, the number of visitors to the venue, the large Blauwe Zaal (Blue Hall) of the TU/e Auditorium, is limited. Everyone can watch a livestream of the OAY at, and the OAY is available afterwards on YouTube.