Campaign groups deliver universities an ultimatum

Universities have until December 20 to present a concrete plan for dealing with temporary contracts and the high pressure of work in higher education. If they fail to do so, a national protest will be held on Valentine’s Day.

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Back at the opening of the academic year, campaign groups Casual Academy and 0.7 announced what would happen if by Christmas universities did not meet their wishes. FNV Onderwijs (FNV Education) and the Algemene Onderwijsbond (General Education Union) voiced their support and now WOinActie (HE in Action) has also come out in support of the ultimatum.

Temporary contracts

Three demands have been made. The campaigners want fewer temporary contracts. They are demanding that the flexible shell at universities is reduced to less than 20 percent and that all academic staff are given both teaching and research time. Likewise, they want to bring to an end the “structural overload” by scrapping a third of all tasks. Thirdly, they are demanding a “safe working environment” in which there is no place for improper conduct. Much will depend on whether universities are granted an additional 1.1 billion euros per annum by the next cabinet. Research commissioned by Education Minister Van Engelshoven has revealed that university budgets are suffering a shortfall of this amount, with predictable consequences for work pressure and the legal position of academics.

1.1 billion

WOinActie has produced an opinion piece published on Science Guide and co-authored by TU/e professor Remco Tuinier. In this he states that "the necessary 1.1 billion must be spent well. This much-needed budget cannot be earmarked for prestigious projects, neither for yet more administrative staff, nor for people engaged in marketing and student recruitment, and nor for increasing the policy scope of administrators. Instead, the first priority must be to pay academic staff for the work they currently do, often in their own time."

Valentine’s Day 

Isn’t an ultimatum on December 20 a bit short notice, asked Ad Valvas of the Leiden professor Remco Breuker of WOinActie. Breuker says the problem has been common knowledge for years. “And we are not asking the impossible: if you release myself and a couple of others, we’ll have this done in no time.” 

If no concrete plan satisfying the demands of the campaign groups is forthcoming, on Valentine’s Day (February 14) a national protest will be held, under the slogan: At our universities the love is not being reciprocated. Since 2017, the VAWO (the trade union representing academics) has awarded its annual Academy Kiss award on Valentine’s Day. The VAWO merged last year with the Algemene Onderwijsbond. This award is given to someone who “has dedicated themselves to the academic world in a special and courageous way.”

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