Demo Dance Evening online for the first time
Enjoy for free via a YouTube live stream, an evening's entertainment involving a whole host of dance acts, like hip-hop, ballet and zouk. TU/e's student dance association Footloose is making this possible on Friday March 19th from 20.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs, when the Demo Dance Evening (DDE) is held online for the very first time. "For our members, too, it's an evening to look forward to in these times of corona," says board member Mandy Shao.
The Demo Dance Evening is entirely the work of students. From concept to choreo and filming; they've done absolutely everything themselves, says Mandy Shao, student of Biomedical Engineering and at Footloose commissioner for external relations. What's more, everything is being presented live, and that also creates the opportunity to use the chat for real-time interaction.
During the two-hour show sixteen acts will be performing. Ballet, zouk, modern and hip-hop (in various forms) will be showcased. You will see group performances, duos and solos; there is something for everyone. Shao is very enthusiastic about the initiative and hopes that as many people as possible will come and watch.
“The current circumstances make it difficult to do some of your hobbies," says Shao. "We had the choice whether or not to have the DDE go head. We chose to have it go ahead. I took part in the dance video made for MomenTUm and that inspired me to have the DDE go ahead in a live stream version. During this corona pandemic, we were keen to do something for the association. All the associations are suffering from this and so an evening like this really is something our members can look forward to. The sheer act of working on a creative project like this boosts your energy.”
A sneak preview of what the show has in store is already available in this trailer (read on below the video):
The DDE was originally set up to give dancers in Footloose a chance to perform midway through the year. It enables them to gain some added experience of dancing for an audience and it serves as preparation of sorts for performing in the big showcase at the end of the year. Normally, the DDE is held in the Corona room in Luna, but unfortunately this is not possible right now.
At the end of the show there will also be a quiz, based on the dance videos. So if you keep your eyes peeled you might even win something, says Shao, like the one and only genuine Footloose sweater and vouchers. Digital viewers will also be encouraged to take selfies, which they are invited to send to Footloose. This might also earn you a prize.
Curious? To join the audience watching the live stream, go to the events page.