Redesigned InSite needs to make hiring of employees simpler
TU/e InSite, the HR system from software designer AFAS, will undergo a partial overhaul after six months. Many of the complaints that were reported after the introduction of the system at the start of the year, related to the complex, time-consuming and unclear procedures experienced by managers, supervisors and secretaries during the process of hiring new employees. The new version, which needs to make this process simpler, will go live tomorrow.
The university sent an email yesterday afternoon in which it announced the changes, which will be implemented tomorrow, that have been made to HR system TU/e InSite. The email states that ‘in recent months it has become clear that the process of hiring new employees – the functionalities ‘preboarding’ and ‘(re)hire’ – is experienced as complex and time-consuming by managers, supervisors and secretaries. In addition, various parties reported that advice from Finance & Control was missed in the workflow.’
Simone Resing, who has been acting as project manager for InSite since April, says that part of the work that was done by managers, supervisors and secretaries until today, will return to HR as a result of the changes to the system. Basically, this means a return to the situation prior to the introduction of InSite. ‘In the renewed hiring process, managers, supervisors or secretaries only need to start the preboarding process by providing certain basic information, such as name, hiring date, cost center, etcetera. Further process steps will be performed by HR Advice and HR Services.’
Financial information
After the managing director signs the contract or hospitality agreement, the supervisor will receive a signal by email that the process has been completed. Supervisors will also receive a signal should the managing director or Finance & Control reject the contract, e.g., in the absence of all necessary financial information. Resing: “It will become immediately clear whether there are sufficient financial recourses for the recruitment of new staff members, and when this isn’t the case or when it remains unclear, supervisors will know that they need to contact the managing director or the financial department.”
Resing says that the university spent quite some time working on tomorrow’s modifications. “The new procedure has by now been tested by a few professors, and they said that they were very satisfied with it.” That is why Resing is confident that the implementation of the changes to the system will prove to be successful.
Financial matters – such as travel expense requests – were covered by Me@TU/e, together with human recourses, until the start of the year and are still covered by Me@TU/e. This will not change for the time being, because that part will be converted into a new financial system no sooner than January 1, 2023, Resing says.
People with further questions about InSite are advised to contact HR Services of the department or service, or they can join the online Q&A session on Thursday 1 July at 13.00 hrs.