All education at TU/e online till the summer vacation
After consultation with the other Dutch universities, TU/e has decided to keep the education online up to and including the exams in Q4. TU/e will wait for the measures of the government, before there will be a decision whether small-scale education will be possible again from June 1st.
In the announcement that was send this afternoon to all staff members and students, there is also mentioned that TU/e will strive to take all exams in alternative form (up to and including Q4). If this is not possible for Q3 and re-examinations Q2, part of these exams will be postponed to the dates 20, 21 and 22 May (Ascension and Bridge Day).
TU/e waits for the measures of the government, before the Executive Board will decide whether small-scale education will be possible again from June 1st. For example, the Bachelor Final Project (BEP) or graduation assignments for master students. As soon as the Board has clarity about this, they will inform the community.
All measures that have previously been taken in the context of events, such as promotions and defending your master's thesis, will be extended until at least June 1st, in accordance with the measure taken by the central government.
The universities in the Netherlands have jointly decided to extend the restriction on traveling for work or study until July 1st, 2020. Again, it is important to take this decision now, so that there is no more uncertainty about the coming period and therefore, no unnecessary costs are incurred by students or staff.
Who is still abroad and wants to travel back to the Netherlands, can get help with repatriation via Special Assistance Abroad.
Office 365
The transition to Office 365 was planned for later this year. In view of the current situation, TU/e is accelerating this transition. It's being done in phases (a few departments simultaneously per day), the service departments no later than Monday 30 March at 07.00 hours. The migration is progressing well from a technical point of view. But we cannot rule out the possibility that you may be inconvenienced by this.
The switchover will not happen by itself, staff members will have to actively carry out a few actions. There are two things you need to do yourself as soon as it's your faculty's or department's turn, and you have received an email from your supervisor or Management Team: 1) remove the old Office, and 2) then install Office 365. An explanation of the steps can be found on intranet.
The information and manuals on this page are regularly updated and supplemented. If you encounter any issues, please call the Service Desk (040-2472000). It can be reached by phone from Monday to Friday from 8.00 - 20.00 hours.
In any case, please complete the migration as soon as possible, so that we will not have any restrictions because some colleagues have migrated and others haven’t yet. Before, during and after the migration you can continue to work and your documents will remain available.