Virtual welcome day for new TU/e employees
Normally there are ten of these per year: the physical welcome days for new employees. Because of corona, they have been cancelled and since the start of the lockdown, 245 people have already started at the TU/e without such a welcoming moment. But that is about to change: a virtual welcome program in MS Teams is almost ready and new employees can expect an invitation soon.
Starting a new job without having been at your workplace can be quite strange, especially if you are also new to the Netherlands. That is why DPO employees Willem van Hoorn and Femke Verheggen, together with Lieke Thijssen of the CEC, thought that there should be an alternative for the physical welcome days at these times of corona. The MS Teams alternative soon made its way. An online place where you can find all kinds of practical information about the university, its communities and about Eindhoven and the Netherlands. You can also ask your questions and chat with other new employees. And something extra that normally works a little differently: there is a Q&A with the Executive Board. Sessions are planned for this in mid-June and early July, and new employees will automatically get an invitation to participate.
"The university has three goals for these welcome days," Van Hoorn says. "Making people feel welcome, giving practical information and helping them to build their network." Verheggen adds: “We want to welcome people with open arms. Letting them know we really understand that they have a special start at the moment. We hope that this online welcoming moment is a first start in building a network within TU/e.”
The welcome days mentioned in this article are TU/e-general. Many departments and services also have their own activities. “The days are always in English because Dutch and international employees are mixed. And that will remain the case in the online version,” Van Hoorn says. Why it’s an advantage that the welcome day is in MS Teams? "Because employees can immediately become familiar with that system, if they were not already.”
Don’t be sad
During the physical welcome days there were always guided tours, for example to the student sports centre (also for employees!) and the Equipment and Prototype Centre. The latter always made a big impression. But new employees do not have to grieve: when the physical welcome days are possible again, they will still receive an invitation to join those tours and go backstage at the various labs and student teams.