The corona crisis has left many students, such as those with zero-hour contracts or those working as temporaries, without any income, either because they are no longer being rostered for work or simply because they have lost their part-time employment.
The national government has now devised a scheme for flex workers with financial problems due to the corona crisis. However, such financial support would be conditional on whether the applicant’s gross pay in February was €500 or more.
The dupe
This threshold is far too high, said the Dutch National Union of Students. “If you earned less than €500 in February, you’re still the dupe,” was the response of the Union on Facebook.
The Dutch Labour Party (PvdA) and D66 Party both find that the threshold can certainly go a bit lower. Last week, parliamentary groups submitted a motion for this during an important debate in the House of Representatives concerning the corona support package. On Tuesday evening, it became clear that the proposal enjoyed wide support. Only the Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD) voted against.
In the preceding week, Minister Koolmees of Social Affairs and Employment had already indicated his willingness, in the event of an adopted motion, to reduce the threshold to €400, while at the same time warning that an expansion of the scheme would be costly. Koolmees has now formally agreed to execute the motion. Students whose gross income last February was at least €400 can apply later this month to the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) for financial compensation.
Keep borrowing
A ballot was also held on Tuesday evening concerning corona support for students with their own business. They are not to receive help from the government, as they already have the option to borrow from DUO.
The opposition still wants aggrieved student entrepreneurs to receive benefit. The DENK Party submitted a motion to that effect, but the coalition partners ensured its defeat: all four voted against, together with the Reformed Political Party (SGP).