The Beaufort residence: six storms in one house
Cursor visits a student house every month. Who lives there, what do they do there, what traditions do they have and what are they talking about? What we hear we write down, what we see we put on film. This time we enter the Beaufort residence in hipster neighborhood Strijp-S.
We are dealing with Demos fraternity Adregé. They have 23 members, who call themselves 'Storms', and six of them live in the Beaufort residence. Outside it storms (really, we are here on February 8th, 2019) and inside a weather vane is painted on the wall. A tornado has been drawn in the Adregé logo, but we have no idea why.
Apart from a passion for wind, the house has - I quote Sanderijn Stohr, who thinks this sounds posh - "an undefined association" with polar bears. It all started with the purchase of a polar bear head at the Winstpakker a little further down the road. Add their Smirnof ice tradition and you have a fun theme for the design of your home. The plush trophy has been given a name: Nofje.
Now there are also six polar bear hats (purchased at the first lustrum tour through Austrian ice caves) and a brother for Nofje, called Nof.
The six students, who moved to Space-S in 2017 as the first residents in this housing unit, also came up with a name for Barry. He smells a bit and is therefore banned to the balcony. They are less mysterious about this than about the dispute name Adregé; we quickly find out that Barry is a deep fryer.
Drinking Breezers in one gulp, deep frying food, having beer delivered by Appie every Monday (because the whole fraternity comes to eat then), but the Beaufort residence is not as unhealthy as it seems. Everyone is busy with the Batavierenrace in which they will participate with the entire fraternity in May. Although Joris admits again to being part of the group that participates "for the party".
Joris van Klink (Technical Informatics) lives just as fellow student Inez Wester and Sanderijn (Biomedical Engineering) on the west side of the building. He talks about a feud with the three east side residents Tina Dijkhuizen (Fontys Applied Physics), Evie Hoeijmakers and Yael Donkers (both TU/e Applied Physics). Something seems to be going on with powder letters and couches, but this afternoon all is quiet. There has been cleaned up well in anticipation of the video maker. Thanks for that!