Industrial Design leaves Laplace in style
It is done: Laplace is empty and deserted, replaced by the newly renovated Atlas. Last week, the department of Industrial Design said goodbye in stages – and in style – to Laplace, which was their ‘home’ for four years while they were awaiting their return to the Hoofdgebouw / Atlas. Cursor was there and made a video report.
Full professor Stephan Wensveen compares Laplace to a student house. “It’s not exactly a place you would bring your in-laws, but you did have a lot of fun and good times there,” he said during the farewell drink last Friday. On that day, February 1, student association Lucid held its final get-together before everyone paraded to the new facility in Atlas (on -1) to continue socializing there.
And some nostalgia feels right for a farewell like this. Lucid’s quarters were bare, the corridors empty and deserted, everything felt lifeless. Stories from the old days are told and good times prevail, as it should during a farewell. Four years is almost an entire student life.
After the farewell on February the 1st, it only felt right that Laplace should close its doors in style. For this purpose, Lucid held the Conduct festival in Laplace on February 6. With workshops – origami, brewing beer, interactive music making, and much more – and bands of course. This was a final farewell to Industrial Design’s period in Laplace, celebrated in unity. On to Atlas!