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On its birthday, society teaches TU/e to drink wine

The biggest wine tasting ever at TU/e is the ambition on Wednesday December 5th. Why? Because the host society ‘In Vino Veritas’, part of study association GEWIS, is celebrating its fiftieth year. All week long there will be activities for the members, but at the wine tasting both other students and employees are welcome.

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The wine tasting will take place at the combined location ‘De Weeghconst’ and ‘In Vivo’ in Gemini. There is space to accommodate a hundred and twenty people, and participation costs 15 euros per person. What do you get for this? “The evening will be taken up with ten different wines, a selection of reds and whites, with perhaps a rosé thrown in,” tells Tim Meeles, member of In Vino Veritas. You'll even be allowed to take home the wine glasses carrying the society's logo. The evening wouldn't be complete without snacks; you certainly need to know how a wine tastes with a particular dish.

Drinking quantities of wine at speed is not what the evening is about. “The aim is that you learn how to drink wine,” says Meeles. Viticulturist Sjef Sanders is hosting the evening. He will teach the participants the best way to taste wine.Information will be given about the composition of the wine, which grapes it contains, and the dish with which it is best served. With a bottle of wine on the table, this promises to be a convivial, informative evening. “Buckets for spitting the wine into will also be provided, but their use won't be compulsory,” says Meeles.

The wine tasting starts at 19:00 hrs and finishes at 22:00 hrs. Seventy people have signed up so far, so another fifty places are available. You can enroll here until Sunday evening.

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