‘From dream to demo’ in TU/e innovation Space
Following a pilot year TU/e innovation Space was officially launched on Thursday November 15. ‘From dream to demo’ was the theme of the opening presentation held in Matrix, after which visitors were treated to a glimpse of the inner workings of the innovation kitchen (via an exhibition of student projects), as well as to a preview of the future.
A hive of activity where students, student teams, student entrepreneurs and researchers collaborate in multidisciplinary teams and where students can set to work on hands-on activities. This is what the TU/e innovation Space aims to be, as scientific director Isabelle Reymen told Cursor on an earlier occasion. In other words, it's not all about the theory, “but about the execution, cooperation, and making prototypes. Getting out from behind your desk.”
Read on below the video.
The innovation Space opened its doors in September of last year in Gaslab, before establishing itself across the road in Matrix. Guests at the opening Thursday were given a guided tour of the renovated building and after a drinks party had the chance to take a trip to GLOW in the city center, where a light art installation by TU/e student team IGNITE is among the exhibits on show.
Our video reporter Mathias Verheijden covered the opening, and also took a walk around the innovation Space in the days leading up to it. Who works there, what's their experience of the ‘innoSpace’? Watch his video above - and see below the impression captured by our photographer Bart van Overbeeke.