Fifteen million for Eindhoven Engine
The 'Eindhoven Engine', an innovation accelerator devised by TU/e Professor Maarten Steinbuch, will receive 15 million euro from the 130 million allocated by the government to Brainport earlier this year. The Eindhoven Engine is one of the first ten projects to be awarded funding from this Brainport Region Deal.
In the Eindhoven Engine, teams of researchers from companies, from TU/e and ambitious students will work together on projects at a fixed co-location, which is for the time being the TU/e Multimedia Pavilion. The aim is that within five years approximately 250 FTE researchers and students will continuously work on projects within the Engine and that innovations will find their way to application much faster and more successfully. The goal is to have about 500 FTE clever minds working within the Eindhoven Engine by 2030.
The 15 million from the national government is backed by a joint contribution of 60 million from TU/e, TNO, Fontys, the companies and municipalities. The government contribution is a one-off. Ultimately, the financing must come entirely from the companies and other participating parties.
TU/e, TNO and Fontys will be responsible for the management of the Eindhoven Engine. Funds for projects within the Engine will be allocated on the basis of project proposals. Four projects are starting immediately, namely in the field of medical technology, automotive (connected driving), lithography systems and 'smart cities'.