British ranking: TU Delft most international Dutch university

TU Delft is the Netherlands' most internationally focused university, according to the British educational magazine Times Higher Education (THE). Remarkably, Maastricht did not make the top 200 in the worldwide ranking. TU/e is not among the top 200 as well.

Based on data taken from the World University Ranking 2018, a ranking of institutions  published in September, THE published Wednesday a ranking of the world's most international universities. As well as the proportion of foreign students and lecturers, the percentage of academic publications with at least one foreign author also counted, as did the university's reputation abroad. TU/e did not make the top 200. 


Based on these indicators, each of which counts for 25 percent, Switzerland heads the list, followed by Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Together, these five countries are home to the ten most international universities in the world. According to THE, they welcome foreign students and academics, and greatly value international collaboration.

Of all the Dutch universities, TU Delft is the highest scorer. The university, number 63 in THE's annual institutional ranking, holds position 18 when it comes to internationalization, followed by Rotterdam Erasmus University at 42, and the University of Amsterdam at 62.


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