Just like last year, four studies from TU/e received the predicate 'top study': master tracks Chemical Engineering (80), Innovation Sciences (80), Medical Engineering (80), and Science and Technology of Nuclear Fusion (76). Applied Physics, a top study last year with 78, lost ten points and disappears from this prestigieus list. Medical Engineering had been a top study before and is back this year.
The only Eindhoven master performing below par, with a score of 52, is Architecture, Building, and Planning. It must me noted, though, that the equivalent master from competitor TU Delft is given the exact same low score.
The Study Guide has also produced a salary prospectus for postgraduates for the first time. “The Master with a more technical approach usually offers good job prospects: the average salary of graduates in systems engineering, for example, is quite high,” reports the 2018 edition. Based on data from research institute ROA, CHIO. suggests that the general job opportunities in technology are good, just like last year.
The University Guide to Master’s Studies makes a qualitative comparison of related study programs in higher education. The data in this book include information from the Research Center for Education and Empoloyment (ROA), educational statistics from the VSNU, data from the university monitor (conducted by the research institute IVA and commissioned by the VSNU) and accreditation data from the NVAO. Use was also made of results from the National Student Survey and the national Study Choice Database, both from Study Choice 123. The processing and analysis of data was carried out by the Center for Higher Education Information.
Source: TU/e Press Team