Intro 2018 | Let’s get those gadgets!
The Cursor editors were strolling around the Green Strip Market today looking for the coolest gadgets. Pens, bottle openers, saddle covers, glasses and bottles of water might not make an indelible impression on the prospective student who is looking for something to do in his sparse leisure time. Below is an overview of what stood out. Most remarkable item: a bag of lavender from the youth organization of the Dutch political party Forum voor Democratie (FvD).
Let’s zoom in deeper on that bag of lavender. Apparently, the great helmsman of the right-wing political party Forum voor Democratie, Thierry Baudet, said something about this during the summer holidays. He was staying in southern France musing about the intoxicating scent that rose from the lavender fields. Those who registered with the LFVD as a member were not only allowed to smell it, but actually received a bag. Smells like roses.
De Jonge Democraten, the youth association of political party D66, distributed earplugs, among other things. Perhaps a playful reference to the real club that is part of the coalition and sometimes has to keep a little deaf to criticism from its grassroots?
The youth department of the CDA, the CDJA, pushed something in the hand of a Cursor editor that initially was associated with a device for artificial insemination and a knuckle-duster, but it turned out to be a bubble blower. Whether this is a hint towards the bubbles that its big brother lets go of sometimes, they couldn’t tell.
In the 'safe sex' category we have the supply of condoms, which were offered by various clubs and associations. The Eindhovens Studenten Corps managed to get Christine le Duc (sex shop) willing to add one to their goodie bag. Sense is an organization that provides information about making love, having safe sex and if that is not successful, you can be checked for a wide range of STIs there. De Jonge Socialisten distributed them under the motto: 'Keihard de Sociaalste', a pun where the closest translation woulde be ‘adamant the most sociable’. That must be something to please the helmsman of its socialist mother party, Lilian Marijnissen.
The most unexpected condom supplier: Tuna Ciudad de Luz, or our own singing and guitar playing heroes in black capes. Apparently they have even more to offer besides their musical talents. The Tuninas at their turn distributed fans. For the flaring away of the heat after the action perhaps?
Fans came in many variations, with the round fan of the Wervingsdagen being the most innovative by far. This copy is based on the technology of the disposable tent, which can be set up in a few seconds. After you’re done sweeping, it can be folded back to a manageable size. And indeed that is just as annoying as folding up those tents where you often also mess around for an hour to get them back in the bag.