Intro 2018 | Hunting for the fire hose
Continue to stand as long as possible against the spray nozzle of a fire hose. That was the assignment for more than three hundred upcoming Architecture students. You can feel victorious if you have stayed dry. But the true winners of the Architecture Spectacle are the new board members, "because they are allowed to spray.”
The intro kids could earn points to get building material by participating in sack race, balloon smashing, wheelbarrow racing, nail pooping while your bottle can be flipped and many more (traditional Dutch) games. Earning of points reached up to maximum of 80.
One group is more competitive than the other (and then I look at CHEOPS 22), but everyone is happy with their points. Look at Max Kokx of CHEOPS 19 shining bright with his mouth full of marshmallows in the marshmallow game. He snatched them from the air. "You are like a seal", groupmate Luca Meine compliments him. "You can go to the Dolfinarium like that."
Read further under the photos.
A piece of cardboard costs forty points, a meter of tape ten and a garbage bag thirty-five. By spinning a wheel, you can either double or lose the amount you have. "We do not want to make it too easy," says Koen Verspaij of the CHEOPS intro committee. The better you were at nail pooping, the firmer your shield can become.
The CHEOPS board members of the coming academic year are testing thirty constructions. Papa Mark Geelhoed, whose group 16 made a very impressive looking double walled (!) shield, calls them the real winners, because they are allowed to spray everyone wet. But there is no ranking. It is about staying as dry as possible.
Read further under the photos.
If Cursor were to award a prize for 'best prepared intro mamas', it would go to Marijke Veenstra and Carlotta Kruithof. They bought thirteen ponchos for their kids and themselves (see main picture). Moreover, they have really struggled to find a nice name for their group 4. It became Yalahiii, which means "let's go hunting" in the language of wolves, Marijke explains. What is hunted is not yet determined - the kids can choose that. But first they have to hunt for the fire hose.