Noche de Tuna less busy, but no less fun
The Noche de Tuna, a mini-festival involving Spanish-speaking musical groups, drew fewer visitors than the Eindhoven-based organizers had hoped for. This was due in part to the fact that in Spain resits for exams fell in the same weekend, says TU/e student and co-organizer Michael Heidweiller. Nonetheless, he believes, the visitors and participants still enjoyed the music played by the groups that were able to attend.
The Spanish-speaking musical groups visited various Eindhoven bars and pubs on Friday evening during what is known as the Pasa Barres. In keeping with tradition, this 'pub crawl' was followed by a flan-eating competition. In other words, a contest to see which group could suck down the Spanish pudding first. Watch an impression here of an earlier contest filmed by Cursor.
Saturday saw performances in the Wim Van Doorne Music Kiosk in Eindhoven. As well as the Eindhoven-based Tuna Ciudad de Luz and La Tuniña, this year's participants included Tuna Medicina de Málaga, Tuna Jerez de La Frontera and Tuna Maastricht. The Mariachi Eindhoven and the AERIS brass band also played their part.