TU/e keen to see more ‘happy losers’ with iLost

Lost your jacket after a drinks party at your study association? Found a bunch of keys in the bathroom? TU/e hopes that lost items and their owners will be reunited more quickly thanks to iLost. From now on building receptions will use this online service to register found items, and those seeking their possessions can search its files.

In the course of a year, the reception desks of the various TU/e buildings see a considerable number of lost and found items pass by - from keys and pass cards to earplugs, telephones, and items of clothing. Until now such items have been noted in a shared Excel summary available to all the receptions to consult.

Just how many objects are involved each year, Danny van Es of Safety & Security cannot say, “but it varies greatly from building to building”. He can confidently estimate, however, that at present no more than 25 percent of all found items find their way back to their original owner.

This situation prompted TU/e to start working recently with iLost, the online service (including app) offered by an Amsterdam tech startup of the same name, which claims to have already accumulated ‘24,796 happy losers’. In a short span of time the company has built a considerable client base, ranging from companies and municipalities to hotels, amusement parks and events. Private individuals can report found items or search lost items free of charge via iLost.

Last week the system was configured for the university and reception staff were shown the ropes. From now on lost and found items will be registered in the system and, says the security guard, previously found items of significant value will also be entered retrospectively in iLost.

He is keen to stress that TU/e is still getting to know the system. The wording of the description and title, for instance, is something they are still working on. A good balance is needed: a potential owner must be able to recognize his or her lost item, but preferably should be able to mention a couple of additional 'check features'  to prove ownership. At that stage, contact can be sought with the finder via iLost to settle the matter.

Incidentally, anyone who finds an item on campus can still hand it in at the nearest building reception. “That way we can return items such as campus cards, ID cards and the like directly to their owners. Items held here are perfectly safe. It must said though that as the finder you are entitled to hold the item for safekeeping. In that case, we would appreciate it if you could give us the necessary details so that we know what has been found and by whom.”

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