TU/e creates a single website for its 54 labs
As of this week, all the TU/e laboratories, 54 in total, can be found on a single website. Here, the work of the 14 largest laboratories is explained, and brief mention is made of the other labs. The aim of the site is to raise the profile of the university's research facilities, and to clarify the kind of research TU/e is conducting.
Which campus buildings house the various laboratories? Who may use the laboratories? Who are the lab managers? What facilities are provided, and what type of research is conducted? The answers to these and other questions are available to visitors to the website.
The Darcy Lab housed in the Gemini building, for example, 'offers unique MRI facilities specially equipped for researching the properties of technological porous materials'. The High Capacity Optical Transmission Lab, the site visitor learns, facilitates research on innovative optical fibers thereby increasing the amount of data that can be transmitted.
As the project leader, Lisette Appelo, policy officer for research at General Affairs (DAZ), was tasked with turning the spotlight on the research facilities and the research being conducted. “Our main aim is to publicize the special facilities we have here to a wide audience, both within and beyond TU/e. Moreover, it was not generally known which labs give access to external parties, including parties with no campus affiliation. We hope that people are now better able to connect.”