Intro '17 | Standing out with condoms and a leafblower

Monday morning, 9 a.m. The intro kids need to register, but those coming from the side of the station still have a long way to go. The Limbopad, which they may have taken once at most during an Orientation Day and which then looked like a friendly path shelving away across the river Dommel, is full of senior students who ‘need something from them’.

Most faces are still a bit tense at the beginning of the path. The SSRE tent produces a surprise effect with a smoke cannon and brings out the first timid smiles. Live music by Quadrivium to go with it creates a merry atmosphere. The ‘lubbers’, senior students handing out flyers from their particular cultural student associations, sport or social clubs, hope to attract attention. As Don Quishoot phrases this: “We want the students to know that there is a student hockey club and that they associate it with red”. The intro kids wriggle along a canoe, a swing construction and an entire cycling peloton. Wherever they go folders are put into their hands, as stickers are no longer allowed this year because of the litter caused by them. A special paper bag has been handed out for the folders.Give them something that catches the eye among all the leaflets, that is the assignment. Pusphaira, the student football club, distributes five hundred condoms. Their slogan gave them the idea: ‘Want d’r in da telt’ (It only counts when it’s gone in).Photography society Dekate Mousa tries to stand out with a leafblower duo. Dennis van de Ven unexpectedly blows kids full in the face with a leafblower, while Remco Nagtzaam catches that moment on camera. Nice long blond hair or closely cropped heads, they are all in for a blow. It really wakes up the intro kids.However, whether they know when coming to the end of the path that Don Quishoot plays in red? Lotte Pigmans, who is going to study Biomedical Engineering, guesses: “Blue, oh no, yellow”. And Rick Stolk, a prospective Computer Science student, gambles on green. Perhaps the question will come up again during the sport workshops, next Thursday.

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