Ichthus in mourning after decease of association member

Even before it had started, the traditionally merry Intro week has seen a black cloud moving over the Christian student association Ichthus. On Sunday one of its members, Fontys student Tim Lasschuit, was killed in a traffic accident in Germany. Another Ichthian was severely injured.

Lasschuit had been to Ukraine together with several fellow-members and other youngsters for a working holiday of the relief organization Eindhoven Bouwt. On the way back to the Netherlands, on the German motorway A3, events took a very bad turn on Sunday afternoon. The driver of the van carrying Lasschuit and four other passengers unexpectedly lost control of the car. Three of the passengers were flung out of the vehicle.

A second group of working holidaygoers saw the accident happen from another van. Among them was another Ichthus member who had traveled along, and who almost immediately informed her association. “Later we read in news reports that a 19-year-old boy had died. Then we knew that it had to be Tim”, Ichthus chairman Jaap Schouten explains. Schouten says that after the accident Tim Lasschuit – who had been a member of Ichthus for a little over six months – received medical treatment on the spot for two hours, “but it was to no avail”. A fellow association member who was one of the other passengers was transported to hospital by helicopter after the accident. “He was in intensive care until yesterday. If his condition permits, he will be taken back to the Netherlands today”.On Sunday night extensive discussions were held about the Intro due to start the next day at TU/e. Schouten speaks of a “difficult decision. Stopping the whole Intro would be a very drastic thing for our association. In consultation with everyone involved it was therefore decided to allow the program to continue in a more sober vein. During the Intro we shall all wear mourning bands, to show our respect to Tim.” Tim Lasschuit’s funeral will be next Saturday.

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