Two thousand tea light candles for Earth Hour
Over the next few days the GO Green Office of TU/e will distribute two thousand tea light candles to students and employees to ask them to devote attention to Earth Hour on Saturday March 19. The idea is to turn off the light and as many electrical appliances as possible for one hour that night all across the globe.
The distribution of the tea light candles is the first public activity of the GO Green Office at TU/e. On the tea light candles the recipients will find a sticker with a QR code that points them to a photo competition via Facebook. Students and employees are invited to make a photo of their ‘hour at candle light’. The maker of the photo that scores the most likes on the designated Facebook page will win a charger powered by solar energy.
According to Master student Akshaya Prabakar, who has since November been active within the GO Green Office, the office wants to make TU/e students and employees aware of their daily habits and the choices that they have: “Everybody can make their own contribution to the care for our planet.” Prabakar thinks that Earth Hour is merely a starting point for this: “By now we all know that climate change is real. And we must start somewhere, even here in Eindhoven, and even if only on a small scale to solve that problem”.