More careful selection and better facilities for TU/e PhD candidates

TU/e PhD candidates will likely learn whether they can complete their doctoral study nine months after starting. The Graduate School is also keen to start its selection process earlier and to take greater care in selecting candidates with a view to preventing dropouts. In addition, plans are afoot to cluster the recruitment of PhD candidates and give them all access to the same facilities. The plans, drawn up at the Graduate School, are currently still subject to discussion and will be finalized in the fall.

TU/e PhD candidates who drop out tend to do so relatively late into their study. The steering group that compiled the discussion document entitled PhD Education in the TU/e Graduate School is therefore keen to give candidates a go/no-go decision after nine months.

Moreover, the recruitment and selection process must become more efficient, says Jan Fransoo, Dean of the Graduate School. “Professors sometimes have to wade through hundreds of applications, while it wouldn't be difficult to make a pre-selection based on, say, the level of English and degrees attained. Professors interested in this step would be assisted with the pre-selection.”

Alongside recruitment to individual positions - the standard method - the steering group wants TU/e to make batch recruitment possible. The idea is that departments cluster PhD positions and advertise all their vacancies jointly on a couple of occasions a year. It will be up to the departments to decide whether they take this step. In addition, the steering group wants to ensure that all PhD candidates have access to the same facilities.

The steering group is currently developing the final proposal, and it is expected that the plans will be discussed by the University Council in the fall, shortly before they are implemented.

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