Masi Mohammadi was born in Iran and completed her bachelor in Cartography and her master in Civil Engineering Road and Building Construction there. After completing her studies she worked a few years as a photogrammetrist and GIS specialist at the National Cartography Centre of Iran. Later on she has worked as an independent architectural consultant.In 2001 she came to the Netherlands and in 2003 she started the MSc studies Architectural Design & Engineering. After completing her master at TU/e she started her PhD project and in 2010 she completed her thesis 'Empowering Seniors through Domotic Homes'. After completing her PhD thesis she started working as an assistant professor at the department of Built Environment. In 2012 she started as professor of Architecture in Health (lector) at the HAN (Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen) University of Applied Sciences for four days a week. The department of Built Environment is pleased Mohammadi accepted the offer for this full professorship. In her new position (for two days a week) she will focus on research in the research program Living Cities. In education she will contribute to the MSc program Architecture Urban Design & Engineering and to the supervision of the final projects of MSc students.
Source: Department of Built Environment