We find ourselves in an oddly-shaped (very long and narrow) Eindhoven fraternity house, where residents are called Kings. The Kings have dinner together every Monday through Thursday, and camps are often formed. There’s Camp Soccer versus Camp Anti-Soccer, Camp Fifa versus Camp Call of Duty, Camp Improving Skiers versus Camp Proper Skiers. It had been a student house for quite some time when in 1986 (after the last women had left - forcibly or otherwise) the premises were dubbed Konings Huysch Montagne.
Konings Huysch Montagne is quite the eye-catcher from the Mauritsstraat. How did the crest and eagle end up way up on the facade?
Rogier van der Klauw (seventh-year Industrial Engineering): “We put those up in 2010, following a well-considered plan. Two of my charter members suspended me from the roof holding my belt while I attached the letters K and H, made from wood boards, to the outer wall. The word Montagne was already there. Arie the metal eagle, spanning two meters, followed later. Unfortunately, the spotlights that light it are not working right now.”
Raving Recipe
Serves eight. Peter Gabriels (first-year Industrial Engineering) and Max Roeters (sophomore at Applied Physics) are tonights chefs.
Boil 150 grams of pasta per person in the largest pot you can find.
Dice 1500 grams of chicken breast, brown in oil.
Also dice a traffic light of peppers (green, yellow, red) and add to the chicken.
In the meantime, dry-roast 150 grams of cashews. Pay attention: they brown quickly. Then cut 500 grams of seedless grapes in halves. Add two containers of tartar sauce to the chicken and pepper and mix with the strained pasta. Distribute the food over eight plates and garnish with a handful of corn salad.
